Friday, May 29, 2009

Weekend Plans

Well weekends here, tomorrow off to Sydney. Specifically the Regatta centre at Penrith for the Sydney Road Champs. 100k's of fun going round and round. Looks like the weather going to be sh!t...hopefully there's some wind too.
At this stage the families coming for the day's outing too. I'm hoping to catch up with an old friend who owns The Bike Barn. I haven't seen Robbie in a couple of years...just before wee man was born. So it's a good chance to catch up and talk some sh!t.

Sunday is scheduled for a mtb ride. I'm hoping to get out to Sparrow, I didn't make it last week cause the wife was using the car. So I ended up doing laps at Stromlo....yeah kinda over that at the moment. Itching to get out to Sparrow, haven't been in a couple of months.

Finally sat down and nutted out a plan to build some more form this week. For the last few months I have been flying by the seat of my pants with no real defined structure. Well the plans there now to build some more depth... I should be end up with a CLT of 130ish in the about five weeks.

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