Saturday, May 23, 2009

No racing this weekend

Title says it all no racing. So a longish ride this morning, probably the bakery ride plus a bit extra. And tomorrow will be a hit out on the MTB around Sparrow Hill.
This week I haven't touched the bike much just through various things (work, having to go to the bank twice)so have pulled up after last weekend really well.
Next weekend it's off to Sydney on Saturday for the Sydney Road Champs, but other then that I really, really want to race my MTB the next MTB race isn't till the CORC race next month at Kowen, then the Working Week 8hr the weekend after that.


  1. yea im craving to race as well, thats why im driving up to port macqaurie to race in there 6hr club round next wknd.... ill be at appin, prob riding pairs..

  2. Pairs...come on man up! Solo!

  3. Chop, pairs, for a tiny 6hr? you're kidding me right? :) haha

    As for Dave, no racing huh? How was that run up Corin? Crikey, you were racing, you smashed me all over the shop. I demand a rematch with fresher legs ;)

  4. That wasn't racing, I was so far ahead it was a time trial ;)
    Next time I actually want you on my wheel sufffering!

  5. ive raced appin once and really dont like it so im whimping to ride pairs,, but 31st of may is a 6hr which of course will be done solo...
