Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Token 12hr Enduro (aka The 12hrs of Drafting)

I have been a bit lazy the last couple of days and not updated the blog as I was still mulling over Saturday and how the race went.

Well looking at the result sheet I finished 16th out of 30 something so about mid pack....which given I pulled the pin after 7.5hrs probably isn't so bad a result. I pulled out because at that stage my knees were killing me, that is the longest I have ever ridden a bike in a single sitting, and also the quickest.

Because of the format and type of circuit there were continually teams riders on the front driving the main bunch along, we started mellow at about 30kph for the first lap behind the tandem, the next lap the pack went up to 35kph, and from then on out the pace was 40kph for the rest of the race....all 12hrs. Because of this it made it almost impossible to feed as if you stopped you went down a lap effectively. I found this out at about the 6hr mark when I had to stop for bottles, there was just no way of getting back, you would have had to chase at 50kph for at least 1-2 laps.

Overall I pleased I went and rode, it was great training (where else are you going to do that expect a 24hr race).

Below is the power data for the race. Stats are:



Avg power: 259w

Max power:1050

Calories burnt:7700

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