Wednesday, January 7, 2009

First Post

After much debate I have decided to create a blog to document my attempt at trying to become an enduro mtb racer. Having spent much of my sporting life as a roadie, the shine has finally worn off and I have started to look for more challenges. I can't really claim to have been a prolific winner during my 16 odd years racing but I have won the odd race or two.
So over the previous year I have started toying with enduro racing and this year have decided to finally make the leap and enter some of large races to test myself. First up this year will be the Otway Odyssey down in Victoria, followed by the Australian Marathon Champs, and a week later Mt Peel Marathon in New Zealand. Scattered in there will also hopefully be some of the Victorian 6hrs and Working week races as well.


  1. mate get in there and go for it.... OURIMBAH is my local track:) it breaks all of us at some stage.. hope u conqured the carpet well:)


  2. Yeah, that wasn't that bad but the first tech section I chickened on the last A-line. I took one look at it and went "HELL NO!"
