Monday, August 9, 2010

Goodbye old Friend

Goodbye old friend...I'm going to miss you.
Yes today is a sad day, it was my last ride on my beloved SRM. My replacement powermeter arrived today, and after riding home. I tore her down and put the new one on.
My old SRM was super reliable and never missed a beat in the 3 years that I was it's owner, and now like it's predecessor is going on fleabay to a new home.

But enough with all the sentiment, I have a new toy to play with! It's wireless, 100gms lighter then the old system, and full of carbony goodness. So after putting it through it's paces tomorrow night I'll post up a picture....And yes it's something a bit different ;)

1 comment:

  1. I must admit I was very day I just get myself one.
