Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Plans for wait weekend domination

Sorry about the title got carried away in an evil genius moment....
So this weekend is going to be,

Saturday AM: Bakery bunch then long route home.
Saturday PM: Canberra Cycling Club race 65k

Should be a grand total close to 200k for the Saturday (Yes Jase your are missing out!)

Sunday AM:Ride to and home from CORC race, also race Sport B men.

Total of about 80kish for the Sunday.

On a side note we're looking at buying a house at the moment and everythings a bit nuts, so the riding is taking a backseat a wee bit to pleading with the bank and talking to real estate agents. But on a bright note I think we're about half way there :)


  1. 280k of riding coming up, which will be all day Saturday and half of Sunday and that is "riding is taking a backseat"? Holly crap!

    I'll think of you pumping out those 200k on Saturday as I sip by beer in the bubbling spa in Noosa... ;) [secretly though, we all know I will be pining for a ride! haha]

  2. Don't spent too much time in the spa or you will end up softer then you all ready are ;)

  3. let him soften up.. it will give us more grip wen we ride over jas..

  4. hehe.. actually david if jason is in a spa wouldnt he rust???? hes one hell of a machine...
    (one ego restored..)

  5. Getting rusty maybe, but that's old age and having a couple of weeks off ;)

  6. :) im scared of your return..we should team up n take on the world (teamblog)

  7. I'll be back on the bike Wednesday and I'm pretty pumped to get back into it! I've got me some itchy feet, so look out Dave... got some ball tearing training rides coming up for you my friend ;)

  8. We need to find some new routes, when you start up again. I'm thinking gravel + road bike = fun!

  9. If you like snow, the Brindies on MTB's is a bit like riding roadies offroad... it's all firetrail, but damn, some great hills... goona head up this Saturday and next if you wanna come. No bakeries up there though I am afraid ;)
