Sunday, March 29, 2009

Gremlins in the System

And not the cute furry type either. Yesterday was supposed to be another epic with Big Jase but it all went wrong. I woke up with a headache which went away with the morning coffee, but I had to choke breakfast down as I just couldn't stomach it. Met Jase, rode in and hit up Mt Anislie, about 2/3 of the way up the lights almost went out...all the dashboard lights lit up, you get the idea? At the top I was just standing there waiting on Jase helmet off pissing sweat even though it was all of about 12° and I sank 2/3 of a bottle of nuun. Jase was gracious enough to give me a few minutes to recover and we set off for Black Mountain.

By this stage I was having to draft Jase I was feeling that shit, we hit the bottom and I just set it at tempo and rode to the top. Felt slightly better, but something was definitely wrong. I told Jas at this stage that I wasn't feeling good and was just going to play it by ear as to how far I made it (we had 180k planned).

Suffered around most of the Uriara loop and just blew coming up 3 sisters. I stopped and tell Jase know I was pulling the pin and heading home as I was creeping in a bad wasy and would see him later. Pulled in to Stromlo to top the bottles up, downed another full bottle of fluid, and just sat in the sun for ages I didn't want to move. If I have of sat there any longer I think I would have fallen asleep. Crawled home showered, drank a bit and had the first of about 5 naps for the day. Mid afternoon I woke up with the sweats and checked my temperature ....40°! At least I knew it would burn itself off by the next day.

Woke the next morning and then it was on to stage two(s) literally. I won't go into the gruesome details but until about 10am on Sunday I couldn't go further than about 5 metres from the toilet without risk of destroying my carefully crafted public persona (ie not having sh!t my pants since 3 years old)

By about lunchtime I was feeling somewhat better and drove out to Sparrow hill for a small roll around on the MTB. Couldn't even manage an hour, but still felt good to get out. So now am in full recovery mode, before I fly out on Tuesday. I think given the symptoms I should be OK and it won't turn into anything more major.

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