Thursday, June 24, 2010

I have been busy!

Haven't posted a write up in a couple of weeks, in fact just before the 8hr race at yellowmundi. This was a race I was looking forward to as it is part of the NSW enduro series for the year, so to DNF out due to busting my knee up, not once, but twice was really disappointing.
In fact I managed to crash in exactly the same spot both times two laps apart. The falls were slow speed through a rocky technical section. The first time hurt and it took me a couple of minutes to get myself together again and back on the bike, but the second time was a lot harder and my knee started swelling and ceasing up. By the time I nursed it through the remainder of the lap it was getting towards excurating so I didn't have any choice but to pull the pin.
By the time I got home it had swollen to the point where there was golfball size lump on the knee and very stiff getting out of the car (Sorry no pictures).

So this mean't a couple of days off the bike, and with it being a long weekend I decided to get productive around the house. I have been swearing to my wife for a while that I would tidy and organise my bike stuff in the garage into some sort of order so on the Monday that's what I did...and it took me most of the day. And here is the final results.

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